Unlock your child's potential

Lesson plans for homeschoolers who go beyond the mainstream

Leave the pack behind

Save ~25 hrs per week in lesson planning

Personalized to your child's interests while achieving milestones on a guided track

Kids score ~30 percentile higher

Our lesson plans are backed decades of research in learning science that lead to measurably better results

Zero required screen time for kids

Everything is printable for kids to write, and for you to read along and teach content easily

Stand out from the rest

Private Schools
Homeschool Curriculums
Like Abeka Academy
Unlimited Lesson Plans
Tailored to Child Interests
Family Values First
Many Teaching Strategies

Our Values

Parent's choice comes first

Your family values in all content

No one path to success

Adaptive pacing based on skill level

Break free from K-12

Stop buying grade level curriculum

The world is your classroom

Our lesson plans use locations & materials close to you

Anything leads everywhere

Curiosity-driven projects with real- world applications


The most effective way to learn

Ready to dive in?
Start your journey today.

Family Pricing